Birth to 4 years old
Check-in starts 15 minutes before the start of Worship.
Check-out is requested to be complete no later than 10 minutes after worship ends.
We do our absolute best to keep children safe and secure, allowing parents to
enjoy worship; therefore, the nursery door is locked at all times.
If you would like to volunteer or need to sign your child up, please stop by our check-in desk.
Faithful Servants in the nursery are required to have a background check completed before serving.
Check-in starts 15 minutes before the start of Worship.
Check-out is requested to be complete no later than 10 minutes after worship ends.
We do our absolute best to keep children safe and secure, allowing parents to
enjoy worship; therefore, the nursery door is locked at all times.
If you would like to volunteer or need to sign your child up, please stop by our check-in desk.
Faithful Servants in the nursery are required to have a background check completed before serving.